- Country of Publication: Iran
- Publisher: Iran, Maragheh
- Format: Print and Online
- Print ISSN: 2676-4962
- E-ISSN: 2676-4970
- Available from: magiran.com, noormags.ir, sid.ir, civilica.com, ensani.ir
- Impact Factor(ISC): -
- Acceptance Rate: 43%
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Publication Dates: March, June, September, December
- Advance Access: Yes
- Language: English
- Scope: Management, Accounting
- Article Processing Charges: Yes
- Type of Journal: Academic / Scholarly
- Open Access: Yes
- Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
- Policy: Peer Review
- Review Time: Nine Weeks, Approximately
- Contact E-mail: jmdma.ir
- Alternate E-mail: Editor@jmdma.ir