Globalization, Corporate Social Responsibility, Agricultural sector Implementing CSR as a dynamic capability in recent modern Agri-business SMES’ Concerns

  • MoohamadReza Noruzi EMBA, PhD Candidate, Public Administration, TarbiatModarres University, Tehran, Iran
  • Aliasgar Fani Associate Professor, Public Administration, TarbiatModarres University, Tehran, Iran
  • AliReza Hassanzadeh Associate Professor, Public Administration, TarbiatModarres University, Tehran, Iran
  • Hassan DanaeeFard Professor, Public Administration, TarbiatModarres University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, Agriculture, agri-business, globalization


The globalizing market economy is not a homogeneous structure. It seeks the emergence of a decentralized regulation of markets coupled with a cosmopolitan and liberal democracy provided by transnational institutions. During this process, the agricultural sector cannot be hidden and should choose the best practical strategies but in the area of the globalized agricultural economy, how should corporate social responsibility (CSR), of agriculture should be managed?
This paper investigates the global economy and corporate social responsibility in the context of the agricultural sector.


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