Locus of Control and Organizational Silence; A Practical Research on Employees’ in Islamic Azad University of Iran

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Mohammad Reza noruzi
Hojjat Razmi


Human Resource Development (HRD) at work is now a prominent and central of Human Resource Management (HRM). This course is designed to provide a complete, integrated introduction to the process, practices and perspectives of the important area of people management. The process of HRD at work is an interparty of the overall performance management of organizations. Selected, repressive and prominent practices in HRD at work are explored, using case studies to illustrate what this process involves in practice. Finally, contemporary perspectives that should illuminate concerns, concepts, arguments and evidence are explore course is thus an ‘all in one’ view of processes, practices and perspectives. There are powerful forces in many organizations that cause widespread withholding of information about potential problems or issues by employees named as organizational silence. The base of our model factors are from Morrison & Milliken. They know organizational silence as a “collective” phenomenon and these factors have been organized under levels of analysis (1) Top management team characteristics, (2) Organizational and environmental characteristics, (3) Affecting employee interaction, (4) Managerial belief, (5) Organizational structures and policies, (6) Managements’ fear of negative feedback and (7) Demographic dissimilarity.


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How to Cite
noruzi, M. R., & Razmi, H. (2019). Locus of Control and Organizational Silence; A Practical Research on Employees’ in Islamic Azad University of Iran. JMDMA, 1(4), 100-105.


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