The Relationship between Job Promotion of Clerks and Improving Performance in Branches of Melli Bank in Bonab


  • Mahmood Poor Sadegh Faculty of Humanity Sciences, Islamic Azad University, IAU, Iran



Job promotion of employees, Improvement of performance, Branches of Melli Bank in Bonab


The general purpose this study aims to reach is to investigate the relationship between clerk’s job promotion and improvement in performance process in branches of Melli Bank in Bonab. In order to do so, studies, papers and books published in the field were examined to find proper framework for the study. Thus, the model used by Nekooyi Moghadam (2014) was taken for job promotion and the model used by Moghimi was utilized for improvement of performance. Moghimi’s model had six dimensions of credibility, attitude, work quality, innovation, cooperation and security. In this regard, one main and six secondary hypotheses were compiled. Statistical population of the study included all 67 clerks in branches of Melli Bank in Bonab. The data for the study were collected through two questionnaires of job promotion and performance. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were approved by experts and then they were distributed among subjects. In order to analyze the data collected from questionnaires, descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized. In order to classify, summarize and interpret the data, descriptive statistics were used. Spearman and Regression tests were used to test research hypotheses. Results from these tests have approved all research hypotheses and demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between job promotion and improvement of performance in branches of Melli Bank in Bonab.


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How to Cite

Poor Sadegh, M. . (2019). The Relationship between Job Promotion of Clerks and Improving Performance in Branches of Melli Bank in Bonab. JMDMA, 1(3), 95–99.


