Designing and Exploring the Model of Organizational Learning among the Staff of NIPC in Iran


  • Abbas Monavarian Professor, Department of Public Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohammad Khoshchehreh Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
  • Esmaeil Omranzadeh Ph.D Student of Public Management-Decision Making, Tehran University, Alborz Campus, Karaj, Iran
  • Hossein Alaei Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Imam Hosein University, Tehran, Iran



Organizational learning, Petrochemical Companies, Data-based theory


The aim of this study is to define and design organizational learning model among the country’s National Petrochemical Company employees. According to the design and explanation of organizational learning model in the Petrochemical Company, we first study the subject by using library studies, theoretical foundations and variable components. Then we designed a new questionnaire through interviews, to examine the views of the population on the basis of the local culture. Then, the questionnaire distributed among the population with using the software SPSS by exploratory factors analysis to identify factors and sub-factors is confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and structural factors. Finally, management experts assessed the model from different dimensions. Statistical Society of managers and staff of petrochemical, informants and elites of organizational learning of petrochemical such as university professors, researchers and those who have information from process of petrochemical organization will be selected. We will use Random sampling methods to test the quantitative and qualitative targeted selection for testing qualitative part to complete theories. The mixed method will be used in this research. For analysis of data resulted from interviews, the theory-based method will be used. This theory-based method is not theory but it is used for discover sleeping data in theory. So, the theories appear slowly in a gradual process of abstraction of the data and after obtaining qualitative information from the raw data, we will analysis them by quantitative methods and suitable test.


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How to Cite

Monavarian, A. ., Khoshchehreh, M., Omranzadeh, E. ., & Alaei, H. . (2019). Designing and Exploring the Model of Organizational Learning among the Staff of NIPC in Iran. JMDMA, 1(3), 78–84.


