Change Management in Telecommunication Departments: A Case Study in East Azerbaijan Telecommunication Company
Change management, telecommunication, theoretical framework, case studyAbstract
Political instabilities, technology advancements, changing customer tastes, globalization, and cultural changes are among the factors constantly forcing telecommunication organizations to change. Thus, change is certain in telecommunication organizations nowadays. Managers in this departments realize the significance of change management in the change process. This is shown and published in numerous studies. However, there seems to be lack of managerial structures that help telecommunication companies implement effective change management practices. This paper presents a managerial framework for the implementation of change management in telecommunication departments. The framework is constructed using empirical findings from one case study of East Azerbaijan telecommunication companies. It consists of four main dimensions, namely change planning, change management, change reinforcement, and change feedback collection. The value of this framework is that it represents an initial attempt to explore factors of successful change management in telecommunication departments. The paper concludes with research and practice applications of the managerial framework.
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